
Every student at Victoria College dresses smartly in the appropriate uniform. Students are ambassadors for the College and dress and behave in a way that reflects the standards and values we seek to achieve.

Uniform Policy

In Years 7-10, the uniform is distinctive with its gold braided blazer. In Year 11 and in Sixth Form, students present a business image in line with our standing in the community; a matching suit – black, dark grey or dark blue – is worn.

College Prefects only are permitted to wear a coloured waistcoat, underneath their suit.

During inclement weather coats and hats may be worn; these must be plain. This helps maintain the high standard of appearance of our students. Hooded tops are not permitted.

Uniform should be smart, with all items clearly labelled. If there are any problems with attending school in the correct uniform College must be notified in writing by parents/carers.

Hair must be kept neat and tidy, covering the scalp. Long hair must be tied back for PE, Science and DT/Art lessons, and kept clear of the face at all other times using an alice-band or hair tie. Extreme hairstyles are not permitted. Hair colour must be a natural colour – bleached blonde hair is not permitted. Facial hair is limited to sideburns (not beyond the bottom of the ear), and during the month of November, to support the ‘Movember’ charity, a moustache can be sported by Sixth Form students only. Religious exemptions apply.

Jewellery, including friendship and charity wrist bands, is not permitted for Year 7-11. Students may wear a watch and medical bracelet if appropriate. Sixth Form students may wear a signet ring. Piercings of any kind are not permitted in Y7-11. Sixth Form students may have up to two piercings per ear, with small, plain stud earrings during the school day (no gemstones or diamante).

In line with the Mobile Phone Policy, pupils are not permitted to wear headphones or earphones during the school day (08:25-15:25).

The College Uniform

Years 7-10

  • College blazer (R)
  • Dark grey or black trousers
  • Plain black V-necked pullover (optional)
  • Polished black shoes (no boots or black / logo trainers**)

Years 11-13

  • Dark matching suit – black, dark grey, dark blue
  • Plain V-necked pullover matching the suit
  • Polished shoes (no boots or black / logo trainers**)

All Year Groups

  • College Tie with House Stripe
  • Plain white shirt, buttoned and with a suitable collar, tucked in at all times
  • Plain dark grey or black socks
  • Plain overcoat (optional)

Seasonal Uniform Changes

Winter (November-March)

  • Plain dark hat (a small logo is permitted).

Summer (May-July)

  • Blazers need not be worn during the school day. They must be worn to and from College
  • A sun hat can be worn. Baseball caps are not permitted
  • Overcoats should not be worn in the Summer term, barring inclement weather
  • In high summer, boys and parents will be notified of shirt sleeve order. When this is in effect, blazers can be left at home;
  • Ties must be worn at all times.

**medical conditions or injuries may necessitate the wearing of different shoes, but requirements must be sent to the Headteacher in advance for approval.

All items of College uniform can be purchased from Redvers, Bath Street, St. Helier. 

Colours, ‘Ten’, and Prefect Ties, awarded by Houses and the College, may replace the standard College Tie.

PE & Sports Kit

The items of Sports Kit below are compulsory. Those marked with an asterisk* in this section are only available from the current College outfitters, Redvers, Bath Street, St Helier.

  • College Reversible Games Shirt* (“Bumblebee”)            
  • College Shorts with crest*                             
  • College Games Socks*                                             
  • College Tracksuit top*           
  • College PE Tech T-Shirt*

The following items of kit are compulsory, and can be purchased from any supplier.

  • Studded Boots, suitable for football and rugby
  • Outdoor Training Shoes (suitable for AstroTurf)
  • Indoor Sports Shoes
  • Shin Pads
  • Gum Shield
  • White PE Socks
  • Swimming Shorts         
  • Towel

The College Tracksuit bottoms*, available from Redvers and JSSK, are optional.

All kit must be labelled and brought to College in a labelled kit bag.  Kit should be taken home after each lesson. 

Nearly New Uniform Shop

Listed below are the remaining opening hours for the nearly new uniform shop.

Friday 7th July – 3:30pm to 5:30pm
Saturday 8th July – 8:30am to 10:00am

Uniform Shop Directions

Donations Needed

Please help the Victoria College family by donating any outgrown uniform, including:

  • Blazers
  • Black trousers
  • Black jumpers
  • Ties
  • Bumble Bee games tops
  • PE tops
  • Black shorts
  • White shorts
  • Yellow games socks
  • Swim hats
  • Swim shorts
  • Football boots
  • Trainers
  • CCF uniform and boots

Please deliver to the School Office in the Gatehouse.

For any queries, please contact vcjuniformshop@gmail.com.